By consenting to stream for the Badass Cosplay channel, by consenting to this form, I agree that Badass Cosplay retains all ownership of streams presented on the Badass Cosplay channel – either live or recorded excluding streams that our hosted by the channel. I also agree to the following:
A.) I will follow all Twitch rules and regulations
B.) Self-promoting is VERY welcome but please keep it to introductions and for the last 5 minutes of the show.
Monetary and Promotional Gain:
Streamers for the Badass Cosplay Twitch channel will automatically be enrolled as a Badass Cosplay Merch affiliate. Streamers can have unique offerings in the Badass Cosplay store. The affiliate will obtain a total of 50% of all profit from each of their items in their sub-store. (ex. $3 profit equals $1.50 affiliate share)
When the channel Badass Cosplay reaches Affiliate status, streamers will have an opportunity to make money as well.
A.) Virtual Cheers – Badass Cosplay Streamers will get back ALL the bits earned during the show.
B.) Game Sales - Badass Cosplay Streamers will get back ALL money earned from game sales.
C.) Promotions and Advertisements - Badass Cosplay Streamers will earn 30% of all promotions and advertisements earned through the channel if they are chosen for such a role.